
Signs of Roof Decking Damage

Your roof is essential to your home. It is a complicated structure with multiple parts and layers that protect your…

2 years ago

What to Do if You Suspect Hail Damage on Your Roof

Hailstorms can lead to serious roofing issues, including damaged shingles and leaks. As a responsible homeowner, you need to know…

2 years ago

How Does Humidity Affect Your Roof?

While your roofing system does a great job of protecting your home against the weather, it can be prone to…

2 years ago

What a Roofing Emergency Action Plan Should Entail

Being a responsible homeowner means preparing for whatever the elements may throw at you. One way to do this is…

2 years ago

3 Reasons Why Membrane Roofs Fail at the Seams

When installed properly, a membrane roof protects your home from the elements, provides insulation and prevents water from finding its…

2 years ago